Thrifting clothing

Last week picks are from different charity shops. Last week only home deco item was this glass vase. I love its design...two glass tiles with delicate iris picture infused. It has tube like vase in the middle so it would fit only 1 to 2 flowers. But I like it, its dainty and gives me Japanese vibe. It does have artist initial on the right below corner. I Think its A and E. Is this fused glass art ? Steven Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow " The Grand Design". I have not read it, I have only heard quotes from it and about this book. It's time to read it and wonder about Grand Design of things. No surprise here. Jenny Gibbs " Interior Design" book. Written for interior design students and aspiring amateurs. Yes, I am the latter 😀 It is interesting book. Advising on look at architectural drawings of the building, to take account of locations of doors and windows and how the light flows in the create a moo...