Thrifting clothing


Last week picks are from different charity shops. 

Last week only home deco item was this glass vase. I love its design...two glass tiles with delicate iris picture infused. It has tube like vase in the middle so it would fit only 1 to 2 flowers. But I like it, its dainty and gives me Japanese vibe. It does have artist initial on the right below corner. I Think its A and E. Is this fused glass art?

Steven Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow " The Grand Design". I have not read it, I have only heard quotes from it and about this book. It's time to read it and wonder about Grand Design of things. 

No surprise here. Jenny Gibbs " Interior Design" book.

Written for interior design students and aspiring amateurs. 
Yes, I am the latter 😀

It is interesting book. Advising on look at architectural drawings of the building, to take account of locations of doors and windows and how the light flows in the create a mood board etc when starting to design and decorating your rooms.

Then to the clothing part. This tunic fabulous. The material is velvety soft, its just hugs my body. I worn it already  and I feel it to become one of my fave outfit. It is by Stitch and Soul Urban nature. I cant find about this brand. This just proves that there are makers out there who are not known but they are good. It is quality peace. I ware it with color tights and feel fab.

This sweater top has very interesting design. It has one sleeve, from other side it is open like boncho. It is by Rowen Avenue for Carraig Donn Department Stores.

"Discover Rowen Avenue, a collection of sophisticated & unique knitwear, tops & dresses featuring feminine silhouettes made from quality fabrics."

I think I am in fall is a perfect fall color, is'nt it?

Then I saw this blazer. I loved the color but most of all I liked the cut, quality textile and just look the inside lining. Its top quality. It goes well over dresses or with jeans.
It is by Gelco.

I cant find where it is produced or about this brand. But does it matter...its not if you like and it is good to ware.

I also picked these two necklaces. The metallic has great modernist look to it and other one has white art glass beads. They both could be worn with anything.

This time not many art items...other than that fused glass vase.
Designing clothing...its also art? Yes, it is.


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