Collector - Corot started it all.
Jean Babtiste Camille Corot 1796-1875
I was drawn to this picture as it has depth and mystery in it.You see landscape as far as "eye" can if through Corot eyes and duplicated with romance. You can see the romance in this picture.
On the reverse there is written " Tale of Terni" and number combinations 2395-180-411 and 722-14. I have no idea what those numbers are about. Dealer phone number maybe.
When I Googled around I found another name for the painting Souvenir of Italy ( The Moored Boat ).
At least the painting time is clear as Corot has written it: January 1864
There was exciting recent auction on Corot original "Landscape by the Sea" :
Here is the resault what it sold for:
I am happy with my print on board. It creats a great atmosphere in my nook. It gives me pleasure every day to look at it. I think it is a progress from collectors perspective. More expencive. But I'm planning my expences better now than before.
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