Car boot sale haul. Second EPIC find this year.

For some reason majority of car boot sales are held in Sundays. 

On that Sunday morning I was torn - " Go, or not to go" I asked myself while sipping my morning coffee. It was already later morning and one of the reason I thought not to go was because of that. "Good" items have already been grabbed. And it is 45 mins drive.

But, I went.

I am glad that I went!

There was not many car's, maximum 15 sellers...but what I got, I like. And the orangy-red bowl. EPIC! I love it so, so much.  And it's flawless. When I noticed this one, It was hard to hide my excitement. "What you know of this bowl "? I asked. "Oh, It is from Ballycasey Craft and Design Centre in Shannon" she answered. There was another lady listening and asking " Is the pottery still there, operating "? " I don't know that" seller said.

Funnily, I live in Shannon. And I've been to Ballycasey Craft and Design Centre and the pottery or its shop is no longer there. I grabbed the bowl - it is big, very big and it is heavy and it felt oh so good in the hands. There was sticker remaining from the seller. Still not showing my inner shaking " How much you want for it" ? I asked. "10 - these ones cost a lot - about 80 EUR or more" she added". Very quickly...I said " I'll take it". Listen, you wont start haggle about the price...when you are said 10 for this bowl. In my opinion it is 200 EUR worth if not more, piece of art.

It's mine now! It fits 3 kg of oranges. I tested. And you could fit more. That's how big it is and the glaze - amazing.

Back home with my treasure I made research. Sticker says "Sylvia's Ceramics". There is no other marks on the pottery, so I am so glad that sticker remains...otherwise it would have been so hard to find info about this peace.

This EPIC bowl is by Silvia Nannig. I only found picture about one other art peace of hers and it looks amazing as well. It is also big and bold. From what I've seen - I love her style.

The candle holder 

She is vintage, metal (maybe brass) and from Russia. I could tell as soon I saw it based on head peace and traditional clothing style. Google lens gives results very well too. Mine seem to have lost tangles that adorned the below head peace rim. I don't mind. I like it's shape and stile very much.

Yellow vases

And then I found these two unusual yellow vases. I like anything unusual. It has a saucer as a flower and the vase would make a flower heart. The have designer made look to them. Sadly, one of the saucers is broken but seller kept the broken off peace. And she asked only 2 EUR for both of them. Yes, please. I might try kintsugi repair on broken one or I might use it in some of my future art projects (mosaic maybe). It is so nice and bright yellow color ceramics.

So conclusion of this trip I made on that Sunday. One needs to go out there and hunt!



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