Olympe des Gouges

 Olympe des Gouges sculpture by Sabine Hoffman (1926-2016)

I saw this sculpture as a "buy it now" on Ebay. And straight away I had a feeling or "reflecs" to buy. Drew Pritchard has said, person purchases "the right thing" in a second. For some reason I am drawn to those printouts of old photos in this case print of a engraving I think.

I didnt even know who is represented. When I started to dig deeper I started to like it more and more by every minute.

Sabine Hoffman 1926-2016

Until now I never heard of her before. No surprise...one can not know all contemporary artists and she was living in Germany.

But there is her website that is in german but if you open with google browser you can translate the webpage. She was a very interesting woman! 


I believe this artwork was one of her "Book Heads" project creations that is described in her website under Groups of Works.

From the artworks shown there I like mine the most.

But I believe that best ones were sold among them mine that ended up on Ebay. 

This lady is Olympe des Gouges, first known woman fighting for Women Rights.

Read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olympe_de_Gouges

I feel happy to own this piece of great art and enjoy for a while. I do plan to sell it in one stage as I am believer that art have to be seen by as many people as possible. 


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