Why to spend more when you can spend less


Here is the latest clothing I have picked up thrifting.

Finding these and many more brand new with labels or with small ware clothing from charity shops has made me thinking that why should I go to shops and pay more for clothing when I can have fun "treasure hunting" and spend less. I think I've done buying from department stores or brand shops. Of course, I most likely need to go and buy when sudden need of something and under ware of course...but anything else, I've been able to find from charity shops.

I was thinking to show me wearing these - but no, I tried and just struggled to take pictures of myself in front of the mirror. 

Here they are in their full glory, without me ruining their fame moment, hahahaa.

Top by SHEIN

I was drawn to this top for the colorful boho pattern and unusual cut. It goes overhead but it has this wrap effect on front giving it a little bit of oriental kimono vibe. And as you can see it is longer on the back. Goes very well with jeans.

I looked up SHEIN and they are online based providers with great slogan " Making the Beauty of Fashion Accessible to all"

Here is link to their website :


This top/dress/cardigan has makers label KOKORO on it.

First what draw me to it was the feel when I touched the fabric. Silky softness. Oddly there is no label with what fabric it is made of or how to care for it. It is floaty, unusual cut and good fabric. When google'ing I came across two options. It is eather by Dublin based Kokoro Zenware or Kokoro London. The Dublin based is most likely. If so, I am very lucky indeed because the new clothing they are selling are 3 digits (100s).
Wow! I like that! I could never afford to buy it brand new. 

Kokoro 心 is a Japanese word for “your heart, your soul, your spirit”

This is Paco Boutique dress that I picked. It has dark green moss color and is in thick fabric with gold thread throughout. I see Paco Boutique quite a lot in thrift stores so I am guessing it must be this :


It is Irish founded clothing retailer.

This dress is well made and looks better when wearing than on the picture here. I have a theater evening coming up where I am planning to wear it and in the same time...it is not too over top dress, it can be worn any time. I don't like to restrict clothing for evening, day, office or what ever. Everyone should wear they clothes when ever they feel like it.

Esmara dress

I loved the dark blue and yellow contrast on this fabric. I have bright yellow thick fashion tights and I thought they go well together.

Esmara is a Lidl clothing brand with collaboration with Heidi Klum. Here is intersting article in Vogue

Taking this blog entry to an end, I ask myself:
"Why to spend more when you can spend less?"


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