Ralph Lauren find

 This is cute haul with a highlight of Ralph Lauren Polo shirt.

My favorite is this tunic top. We have first really summery weather and I've been wearing it. It fits me, its color is fabulous and its cheering me up. I've also gotten some compliments. Love it, love it, love it. 

It is by Danish "Pieces" brand.


When I bought it, it was brand new, never washed or warn. You can tell by looking at the tags, also how fabric feels in your hand.

This is a cute platter based by Jana Kolpen "The Secrets of Pistoulet " book.



I could not resist its charm and had to grab it.

This was fun find. I never saw anything like this before. So, these are stackable boxes that fit into the biggest one. Like Matrjoshka doll. These can be used as gift wrapping. Currently it sits in my bookshelf and is fun to look at. 

This shirt I grabbed because of the quality and brand name of course. It is a little bit tight from chest to me so I listed it at my EBay shop.

Has quite many views so seem to be interested people out there. I hope it sells.


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