Big thrifting haul from weekend "According to The Rolling Stones " book

 I had so many cool finds this weekend that I need to divide this blog post to two. In addition what you see on this picture I also got 3 art pieces. I'll blog them separately.

What got your attention when you looked at the photo. Red book? It got my attention all right. It is a large format hardcover book. Price brand new 30GBP. I got for 4 EUR. Weidenfeld & Nicolson Published. It has some stains on the side but I dont mind.

It is the history of The Rolling Stones - according to the Rolling Stones themselves. Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood have come together for this remarkable book. They have also opened up their personal and band archives to include many rare and intimate photographs that are interwoven with their great stories of forty years of making music together. 

"All music is connected especially in a little place like England. Nothing comes from nothing at all" - Mick Jagger

"Music is a language that doesn't speak in particular words, IT speaks in emotions, And it is in the bones, IT'S IN THE BONES." - Keith Richards

"I don't particularly want to stop playing. I have this fear of stopping and becoming old. I'm sure well always do a weeks residency in Bognor Regis or somewhere" - Charlie Watts

"It's a wonderful gift: The Rolling Stones for young and old. For the old it brings back memories. For the young it brings new discoveries" - Ronnie Wood

This wonderful vintage pottery has a lovely muted sand salt glaze with some free hand slip decoration. It has incised spiral mark at bottom. 

A quick research on the internet leads me to Gordon Menzies Studio at the Isle of Iona

Isle of Iona is a tiny island next to Island of Mull in Scotland.

It makes me want to visit one day.

And what is this? Yet another pottery :D Yes. And not the last.

This is a smaller hand made plate and has a sticker still attached on the back as well incised mark declaring it made by Michael Quinn "The Potter's Wheel" Doonbeg, Co.Clare.

Sadly I can't find info about the potter. There is only address to Doonbeg but not much else.

Plate itself is skillfully made from red clay and glazed with this dark blue tone glaze. Very good quality.


Max Studio dress

Lovely stretchy material dress, seemed brand new to me and I love this geometric pattern

In addition it goes perfectly with my next buy, that I bought from different charity shop after I have bought the dress. Stars aligned :D

Denim & Co jacket. 

This jacket was a great find. I have been actually searching for blue jeans jacket but this one has great distressed and intentionally made warn look. Bonus, it fits me perfectly. Extra bonus, is perfect over this weekend found dress as well.

“Denim & Co. Jeans” isn’t a specific brand, it is actually a clothing brand owned by Primark.

Pottery goblet has Agnew incised below. 

I use goblets all the time to drink out of, to eat muesli, to eat berries with cream to serve any small starter.

Seem that this is done by Tom Agnew

Then I got this pottery candle holder and more than a holder I like its bottom.

I have now several Rineanna Pottery items. This pottery no longer exist. 


Then I grabbed this wonderful wood carved mask. 
No idea who made it or where it came from, so I made Google Image search. Of course there are gazillion of African masks but looking at the patterns I kind if think it might be from Philippines. Don't know...we can call it Cool Folk Art Mask. 


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