Thrifting Tuscan charm


I think these are very nice finds from last weekend. On the back round there is another table cloth that I picked. It is by Carolyn Donnelly Eclectic range that she does for Dunnes Stores. I bought one with different design from Dunnes couple of years ago I think for ten times the price I paid for this one now.  There is not often that I see nice good quality table cloths on charity shop, so better to crab when I encounter some. I really like the quality and pattern.

Two floral&botanical prints in very lovely hand made frames made by Dekor Toscana. There is little tag at the back of pictures, claiming frames are hand painted and guilted using traditional bees wax. 

Reminds me a bit of their Florentine wood painting & gilding method. Very charming pictures indeed.

Expensive too


This is a mystery ceramic plaque. It i a large peace...almost the size of a coffee table book. It has a incised initials there for E D. I love it rusticness and geometric patterns. It has same effect in interior than wood has. Instant warmth against painted cold surface. I could imagine how cool the look would be if whole wall would be covered be this kind of plaques. Well, I only have one and it is set against the wall behinf my kitchen sink...being kind of backslpash.

"The Book of Interiors" Ireland. Last week I had The Book of Garden from same Publisher. It is by Montague Group publishers. It contains adverts for a lot of interior design retailers and large inspirations photos of different Irish interiors.
I think that this Publisher is no more, their provided website wont open. That would explain that maybe books were donated to charities...

I like browsing these.


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