Thrifting humankind icons Jimi Hendrix, William Shakespeare


"Do buy or not to buy" I asked myself multiple times when

 spotted this Belleek Shakespeare bust. It was most likely the most expensive item in whole charity shop.

I decided to: Buy!

The stamp beneath dates it to 1980-1993.

Vintage and in very good condition. No discoloration, chips or cracks.

Star by Julien Macdonald gin glasses.
Just looking at them assures that these are quality glasses. Super lovely pink color on them.

Sadly Pandemic got Julien Macdonalds firm:


This small quirky smiling leopard charmed me...I already have one small ceramic critter coming to work with me in my laptop bag...he has a companion now. 
This leopard is signed below Trzask Ceramics that turns out to be a family business in Warsaw, Poland.

Good to learn about this pottery.

Another pottery piece remains mystery. There is no markins on it and is most likely someone project but I think their glazing turned out fab...I love this muted pink and green glaze combo.

That bowl has "je ne sais quoi" 

I have seen this image of Jimi Hendrix on the internet in the past but when it stairs at you in real life and it being this big format.
This is striking picture and now I learned that this is by Chris Burns.

What a talented artist. The details on it are amazing, specially comes clear with this kind of large scale print.

Picked up three necklaces, this one being cute crab that has aurora borealis rhinestones. Its so cute...had smile in my face.


This one is costume jewelry necklace with plastic beads imitating I believe chinese "Peking glass" or cinnabar beads. 

Better quality heavy enamel beads bracelet, goes well with above necklace and looks fabulous.

This print just charmed me with rocking horses.
It is numbered and signed but I cant read out the artist name. Work is called " Rock on".

Well, that concluded my two weeks pickings from different charity shops.

I actually forgot to include one thing...but I leave for next time.


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