
Showing posts from February, 2025

Thrifting fabulous designers T&G Woodware, Hey-Sign, art, ceramic, books

  I have gathered to this blog post my couple of weeks thrift finds and what fabulous finds they are. Wow! I am over the moon that I have found two high quality designer items during last week.  This felt cross body bag fits laptop and more. It is by Hey-Sign This is high end designer item. I think it was donated because it has tiny flaw underneath. Of course as their prices are so high...they cant afford to sell items with defect. But this tiny spot is barely visible and on the side where bag is going against body. It will be worn with use anyways. I got this bag for 15 EUR when that size bags are over 200 EUR at their website. Oh, what a find!!! Second designer find are 6 plates by T&G Woodware Ltd from UK. The plates are very large and make a statement on the table. Quality. I only need to sand them slightly and oil and they are good to go. I wonder if certain companies keep donating to special charities because ...

January 2025 thrifting

  Here are items that I have found thrifting in January. All from different charity shops on random days I have popped in there. Last post in this blog I said that I am going to thrift in Italy. Yes, I was in Italy and what amazing trip it was. One of my dream came true by visiting Pompeii and Herculaneum ancient towns, also different museums, exhibitions etc. From thrifting front I only found one charity shop were I popped in. I bought three necklaces from there what you see on photo, all chosen because I like glass bead necklaces and all these have aurora borealis coating that makes them sparkle. Bling-bling! I did look up few other thrift shops in Napoli from Google maps but they turned out to be too out of my trajectory. Oh cant do it all. I think this brass and enamel container set find is pretty special.  Super decorative. I see similar for sale on Etsy and Ebay. Someone wrote that these are from India.  Maybe British India? I could not resist this cute b...