Thrifting fabulous designers T&G Woodware, Hey-Sign, art, ceramic, books
I have gathered to this blog post my couple of weeks thrift finds and what fabulous finds they are.
Wow! I am over the moon that I have found two high quality designer items during last week.
This felt cross body bag fits laptop and more.
It is by Hey-Sign
This is high end designer item. I think it was donated because it has tiny flaw underneath. Of course as their prices are so high...they cant afford to sell items with defect. But this tiny spot is barely visible and on the side where bag is going against body. It will be worn with use anyways. I got this bag for 15 EUR when that size bags are over 200 EUR at their website. Oh, what a find!!!
Second designer find are 6 plates by T&G Woodware Ltd from UK. The plates are very large and make a statement on the table.
Quality. I only need to sand them slightly and oil and they are good to go. I wonder if certain companies keep donating to special charities because I found T&G bowl from same charity shop in the past.
Looking at the title of the book, I first thought that it is some self-help book. Well...maybe it is a little but it is actually inside look how architecture, art and design fits to peoples personal lives.
Alain De Botton " The Architecture of Happiness "
I think there is truth to it. That is why we are choosing the neighborhood when moving and what makes us appreciate art and beautiful things.
I am looking forward to read this Andrew Marr biography.
Queen Elizabeth II has left her mark to history as deep as one VIP can possibly accomplish. I was following her funeral and I also cried. Most likely I cried more because my father passed in April 2022 and I my grief was still raw. One can never get over the death of loved one. Grief just becomes part of you and in certain occasions surfaces and can sting painfully. People just learn to live with it.
Marjorie Caygill " Winter" A British Museum Companion
In this book Marjorie has seeks out art at the British Museum about winter and how artist have depicted it. I browsed the book quickly and it contains fabulous choice of artworks from different eras.
This is original painting by someone named Elijah and done on 2004 I think.
It is pretty dramatic wintery landscape and I thought he was successful painting the mountain range in the distance.
Only thing, I don't think the frame goes well with painting. I might change it or paint dark blue. I might never know who Elijah is.
I thought this pottery ceramic glazed bowl was fabulous. It shows off so many different techniques...using sponge made patterns and drizzelling glaze like slip also some incised patterns and different color glaze. Also the handles is shaped so fun way. It has incised makers mark beneath but I was unable to read it out.
Super pleased with these finds.
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